William Sackett Duell
William Sackett Duell
(Holland’s brother)
3/28/1882 – 5/23/1926
3-28-1882: William Sackett Duell. Born in Syracuse, NY and went by his middle name of Sackett.
1902: Sackett Duell attended Yale and left Yale at the end of his freshman year in 1902
1903-1906: Sackett Duell worked for the American Cigar Company in Richmond, Virginia and Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
4-19-1905 Sackett Duell Married Louise Ensor Child in Ashland, VA, where she was from.
2-5-1906: William Sackett Duell Jr. was born
6-29-1907: Robert Ensor Duell was born
5-5-1908: Sackett became involved in the family business, the Klauder-Weldon Dying Machine Company in Amsterdam, county of Montgomery, New York.
3-31-1916: General manager Sackett Duell and his family departed Amsterdam, NY to move to Yardley Pennsylvania where the new Klauder-Weldon plant is located. Their country estate of “Hillcroft” was one of the oldest colonial homes in Pennsylvania.
7-18-1919: Louise Child Duell died in Pennsylvania and was buried in the Duell plot in the Cortland Rural Cemetery, NY
1-21-1920: Sackett Duell married Annie Livingston (Best) Carroll
1923: Sackett and Annie sold Hillcroft and moved to New York.
2-15-1925: Sackett and Annie divorced.
5-23-1926: Sackett Duell died in a hospital in New York City from cirrhosis of the liver.
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